Thursday, June 23, 2005

The contemplated FCC action could result in the biggest special interest windfall, at the expense of American taxpayers, in history.

Norman Ornstein, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and Michael Calabrese, director of the Spectrum Policy Program at the New America Foundation, warn us of "another harmful move being contemplated by the [ FCC ] commission." Their article is a warning that the FCC plans to sell off our airwaves, "We're talking about privatizing the airwaves, a public resource worth hundreds of billions of dollars in both market value and future federal revenue." - from their article "Don't privatize our airwaves A FEW LUCKY INDUSTRIES WOULD REAP HUGE PROFITS" By Norman Ornstein and Michael Calabrese.

"These airwaves are owned by the public. For more than 75 years broadcasters, cellular phone companies and other commercial service providers have acquired exclusive access to scarce spectrum space only under temporary, renewable licenses; in return, they serve the public interest." They warn the FCC plan "confers a massive and undeserved financial windfall -- up to $500 billion -- on a few lucky industries."

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